Wednesday, June 30, 2010

US' Double standard?

Zbigniew Brazezinski, former US National Security Advisor said in 1980s in context of Soviet invasion of Afghainstan that-"The US knows Afghanis have deep belief in God (Allah) and that they are confident Mujahideen (Soldiers of God) will succeed against Soviets because the land of Afghanistan belongs to Afghanis and they will get it back one day from Soviets because the fight of Mujhadeens will prevail and they will get back their homes and Mosques and because the cause of Mujahiddens is just and God (Allah) is on your side".

I wonder what would Americans say today of their occupation of Afghanistan????

1 comment:

M. Anas said...

Good catch.Well, as far as the reports about Afghanistan go, Americans still seem confident that 'present Mujahideen' will overcome the foreign forces if the latter don't decide to withdraw soon via an 'exit deal'