Monday, January 10, 2011

Salman Taseer and his liberalism

Is it necessary to be a debauch for a person to be called as LIBERAL? but the news reports and analysis on the assassination of Salman Taser suggest so.

The Indian media and so called liberals are on an overdrive to portray Salman as god of Pakistani liberals.

Neither I am justifying nor supporting Taser's killing but media by eulogizing Taser is demonizing religionists.

A person who left his Indian wife while she was pregnant cannot justify his so called liberalism.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is ample, though not wholly substantive evidence, that Taseer was a debauch. He abandoned his pregnant wife is again something we don't know the whole story about. So we can only speculate. I agree that people misinterpret both liberalism and religiosity, going by their own convenient version. Anyway, personally I don't like people like Taseer as they are too self-centric and hedonistic too really care for values — even liberal ones. Liberalism only fits their idea of life style, so they make it a point to flaunt it to gain some brownie points. But, too be honest the case against Aasia Bibi seemed concocted as one village woman accused her of uttering some annoying words about Prophet. She deserved a fair chance before law. Since the media blew it out of proportion, it became a question of honour for both liberals and religious fanatics. And as fanaticism is instinctively and overwhelmingly courageous, it drew blood. It served no purpose for Islam and neither made any dent in the liberalism of the Taseer-like liberals. By default, it may arouse people to turn more religious. Let's hope they turn truly not insane.

BY Mohd Anas